Biyernes, Agosto 19, 2011

Microsoft Word 2007
How to save a file?

Students : 1st year High School (Mahogany)
Time Duration : 1:30 - 3:00pm
Teacher : Canadalla, Donna Mae Y.
  • Identify the steps in saving a files.
  • Apply the proper way of saving a file.
                                      " How to Save a File"
  • Computer Units
  • Brochures
  • LCD Projector
  • Ball pen
Introduction to Computer Fundamentals (by: Wilcor C. Tayone)
MOTIVATION(Brain Storming)
  • The teacher will ask the students to give a word that starts with the letter in which the teacher given. It should be related to the topic. For instance, if the teacher will say "give me a word that starts with letter S." So, the students will think a word that starts with letter S.
  •  Afterwards, the teacher now will explain the steps or procedure on how to save a file.
  • After the motivation, teacher will introduce the topic.
  • The teacher will explain the topic by showing some pictures to the students. She will identify all the means to save the file.
  • The students will type the data.
  • To elaborate, teacher will ask questions regarding to the topic discussed. She will ask few students to perform the procedure.
  • To consider students comprehension from the topic, the students will do 15- item Hands On Quiz.
  • The students will be writing a BIOGRAPHY.

> LESSON PLAN < I made this, I hope it is correct.. :)

Lunes, Agosto 1, 2011



In this the report was taken from Ms. Padilla, at first the reporting was good but later on I don't know/understand that she discussed because she talk so fast, she never realized that we should catch up all her discussion.

This are the steps to Improve Performance :
  • Motivation to Study
  • Distributed vs. massed practice
  • Recitation vs. reading
  • Whole vs. part Learning
  • Organized study routine
All of these was the topic.

When the reporting supposed to end, I rise my hand and ask question to Ms. Padilla that "What are the difference between thought and consciousness? In that time the bell.. Rung.. Save by the Bell.. :)

What is Learning?

According to the dictionary, learning is a change in an individual caused by experience, is a process of acquiring, remembering and applying knowledge, skills, attitudes and other modes of response.
As what I've understand the definition of learning, this is one process for which to motivate the ability and capacity in the knowledge of a person.
Whatever you hold in your mind will tend to occur in your life. 
If you continue to believe as u have always believe, you will continue to as have always acted.. And it was EXPERIENCE..

Miyerkules, Hulyo 6, 2011


When I enrolled in this subject, I thought it was an ordinary class that I encounter for 3 years. But this time, I teach like a professional teacher. It is hard for me, but I tried my best to act like a  teacher in front of everybody. In this, I inspired a lots of effort and knowledge to take this class.

Minutes Later...

When our instructor assigned us each topic the soul and the nerve blows out, because we don't know who will be the first reporter..

A Challenging Task to us.! Good luck.. *_*

Martes, Hunyo 21, 2011

WHat is a Good Teacher?
-Serve as a model and a catalyst of change for the student, she/he must have lots of patience in order to control the behavior of his/her students.
The way she/he dress, talk, and behave in a public places.